The Magical Vegetable Juice | Ash Gourd

Why we should drink ash gourd juice empty stomach: In this blog, we will share with you about the juice of such a vegetable, which has the power to remove all the dirt accumulated inside your body. A juice that starts pulling all the toxins inside you like a magnet.

Such a juice, which cleanses your body as well as your mind, increases intelligence. Just one glass of this juice every morning, and your life can change. Do you know which juice is this? It is ash gourd juice.

We know what you must be thinking right now: vegetable juice will taste very bitter. Don’t worry. Who has time to get it out, and from where will I get it? In this blog, we will answer all your queries and also teach you how to make this juice.

Benefits Of Ash Gourd Juice

But what is the benefit of drinking it? Let us understand. 

When we eat packaged oil-filled food or eat cereal three times a day, our food definitely looks like this. 

Why we should drink ash gourd juice empty stomach

Years-old dirt remains frozen inside, and this dirt gives rise to the biggest diseases such as diabetes, blood pressure, thyroid obesity, pcod, asthma, migraine, and even cancer.

But every glass of ash gourd juice works like a scrubber inside your body. Whenever it comes out of your body, it takes the oldest toxins with it.

In just one week of drinking this juice daily, you will see that your skin will start glowing, and a new glow will come.

Weight will start becoming normal, and if any disease or seed of disease is sitting inside, that too will start coming out of the body.

How Would It Taste?

Before proceeding further, let us clear one doubt of yours. Ash gourd juice is tasteless, like water. It has no taste, and it is neither bitter nor sweet. So you don’t need to worry.

How does it look, And Where I Can Find It?

Why we should drink ash gourd juice empty stomach

Mildly green on the outside and white inside. You can find it at any vegetable vendor near you. Remember, ash gourds are very different from gourds. Don’t pick the pumpkin by mistake.

How To Make Ash Gourd Juice?

Now we tell you how to make its juice. Come on, now we have learned to identify it. Now, let’s see how to make its juice. To make one glass of ash card juice, you have to cut a piece of about 250 grams of ash gourd.

First, remove its peels, and then remove its seeds as well. It is very important to remove both the seeds and the peels as they are bitter.

If you do not remove it, your juice will also become bitter, and you will not enjoy drinking it. Now, cut it into small pieces. Slowly put them in the juicer. 

You will see a lot of juice coming out of it as it is one of the most alkaline vegetables in nature. Not just this, it is also one of the highest pranic vegetables in the world.

That means every sip is packed with energy. Do you know what it is called in Sanskrit, Kushmanda, which literally means tiny egg of energy?

If you do not have a juicer, then put these pieces in a blender, add some water to it, and then mix well. Then, filter it through a thin cotton cloth. It doesn’t matter if both juicer and mixer are not available.

Grate the ash gourd and then filter it through cotton cloth.

Why we should drink ash gourd juice empty stomach

Read More: 7 Best Vegetables To Make Juice

Points To Remember

One more thing, you get the maximum benefit of ash gourd juice when you drink it sip by sip slowly, slowly drinking it. If you drink the whole glass with one big gulp, then it won’t benefit you at all.

Some people drink it after adding lemon, salt, and who knows what else. Please don’t do this at all. Don’t add any salt, lemon, black pepper, or ginger to it. Whether you are a child or an adult, healthy or sick, this juice works like magic for everyone.

But if you want to give this to your kids and want to sweeten it a little, you can also mix 50% coconut water in it. And now your Ash Coco juice is ready.

Another important thing to remember about ash gourd juice is that you must drink it on an empty stomach every day.

And don’t eat anything for 1-2 hours after drinking it because, at that time, it is doing deep cleansing work in your body.

If you eat something, the cleaning will stop. So it’s best to have breakfast 1-2 hours after having ash gourd juice.


Ash gourd juice is the most powerful detox juice, which gives you mental clarity and cleans your body of harmful toxins.

It really is a unique gift of Mother Nature. So try drinking it and see for yourself. Only then will you realize it’s magic.

Why we should drink ash gourd juice empty stomach – FAQs

What if Ash Gourd is not available?

See, the ash gourd belongs to the gourd family. So even after searching a lot, if you do not get the ash gourd, then you can drink any other gourd’s juice, like bottle gourd.

Which size of ash gourd should you buy? 

We suggest buying a bigger ash gourd instead of a smaller one because this smaller ash gourd has more seeds and less juice.

Can I store ash gourd juice for a long time?

After extracting it, make sure you drink it within 15 minutes. We shouldn’t leave it lying outside for a long time. By doing this, we are reducing the nutrients present in it.

When can we store ash gourd?

If you don’t cut your ash gourd, you can store it for several months. We can keep 9-10 ash gourds at home in one go. They do not spoil, and after cutting, if you need them, you can store them inside the fridge for five to six days.

Can we take this juice in cold places or cold weather?

Yes, of course, you can drink it in both summer and winter. It is equally beneficial. Just keep in mind that during cold weather, you should consume it at room temperature only. It should not be cold at that time. 

Can we consume ash gourd juice while facing sinus or asthma problems as well?

Absolutely! The purpose of an ash gourd is to throw out the waste from your body, which means whatever mucus is stuck inside that is creating your asthma and sinus problems, ash gourd juice removes that from your body as well.

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Hi, I'm Ankit Gupta! I'm health enthusiast and foodie, and I'm very passionate about juicing. Through my famous blog, I like to share my knowledge and love for healthy juices with others.

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