Which juice is best for skin glow?: Face beauty matters for everyone. For this, people are ready to follow many methods. Fruit juice has some properties that help bring the glow to your face; you may not believe it, but this is absolutely correct.
Juices can be very beneficial for improving the skin. To explain this, in this article for StyleCraze, we are talking about the best fruit juice for skin. Let us move ahead in the article and try to understand this in depth.
How is juice beneficial for your skin?
Fruits and vegetables are great in many types of nutrients. It is the main reason why their consumption is considered helpful not only for health but also for the skin.
1. Carrot Juice
Carrot juice can help make your face look brighter if you drink it. Actually, carrots are rich in Vitamin C as well as Vitamin E. Let us tell you that Vitamin C can help improve and strengthen your skin.
At the same time, Vitamin E can be helpful in protecting against both free radicals and UV rays. That is why the consumption of carrot juice can prove beneficial for skin glow.
Quantity: Normally, one cup of carrot juice can be taken.
2. Tomato Juice
According to a study from NCBI, tomatoes contain beta-carotene and lycopene, which can help prevent sunburn.
At the same time, another study says that lycopene can protect cells from damage caused by the sun. All of these qualities help a lot with keeping the skin’s glow.
Consumption: 200 to 250 ml of juice can be consumed.
3. Lemon Juice
Lemon juice can also be used to make the face shine. In fact, lemons have a lot of Vitamin C, which can help make your face look better.
Not only that, Vitamin C can also protect the face from UV rays. Besides, Vitamin C can also prove helpful in improving skin elasticity, wrinkles, and complexion.
Dosage: Drinking half a lemon in water is advised.
4. Beetroot Juice
Beetroot can also be an important part of making your face glow. Actually, beetroot extract contains a special element called glycosyl ceramide. This element can prove helpful in protecting the upper layer of the skin.
Apart from this, beetroot can protect the skin from skin dryness and other problems like dermatitis (inflammation of the skin) and psoriasis (red and itchy scabs or rashes on the skin layer).
Quantity: About one cup of beetroot juice can be consumed daily.
5. Pomegranate juice
Pomegranate can prove beneficial for health as well as skin in many ways. Research suggests that pomegranate reduces skin aging. Additionally, pomegranate can prevent skin irritation and infections. These properties help keep skin glowing.
Quantity: 8 ounces, i.e., about 236 ml of pomegranate juice can be consumed daily.
6. Orange Juice
There are many benefits of orange for the skin. Orange juice can increase carotenoids in the skin, which can be beneficial for the skin.
In fact, carotenoids can act as an antioxidant. Research shows that carotenoids can help protect the skin from free radicals, which can help keep the skin from showing signs of aging.
Quantity: Normally, about one glass of orange juice can be taken daily.
7. Cucumber Juice
Cucumbers can also prove beneficial in bringing a glow to the face. Actually, cucumbers can flush out toxins. It can help keep the face clean. So, this juice is a great way to help the face get clean.
Additionally, cucumber can also help soothe skin irritations. Cucumber can also reduce swelling. Not only that, but cucumber is also good for sunburns. Based on this, cucumber juice can be seen as a way to make the face shine.
Quantity: Drink one cup of cucumber juice every day.
8. Apple Juice
Apple juice can also help your face look healthy and beautiful. Research on the NCBI website shows that apples have anti-aging qualities that can help keep the skin from getting older than it should. It can help the face look young and healthy.
Quantity: People can drink about one glass of apple juice every day.
9. Papaya Juice
The juice of papaya, which tastes good, is also the best fruit juice for the skin. Papaya contains beta-carotene, which can be very good for the skin. It works as a photoprotector, which means it can protect the skin from the sun’s dangerous rays and redness of the skin.
Aside from this, papaya is also full of Vitamin C. As we said in the piece, Vitamin C can also help tighten and improve the skin. Based on this, papaya juice can be seen as a way to make the face shine.
Dosage: Normally, one glass of papaya juice can be consumed daily.
10. Spinach Juice
Spinach juice is also good for the skin on your face. Spinach is also full of beta-carotene, which can help protect your skin from UV rays. Also, it can keep free radicals from damaging the skin.
At the same time, another study says that eating beta-carotene-rich foods can also change the color of your face.
Quantity: Generally, one cup of spinach juice can be taken daily.
11. Grape juice
Grapes have several positive effects on the skin. Actually, grapes contain polyphenols and flavonoid compounds, which can be beneficial for the skin.
Research related to this shows that flavonoids exhibit antioxidant (fights free radicals), anti-inflammatory (reduces inflammation), and anti-microbial (prevents bacteria from growing) properties.
These things help keep the skin from getting inflamed and from being damaged by free radicals. Polyphenols can also help keep the skin from getting sunburned. When these factors are considered, it’s clear that grape juice can help the skin look its best.
Dosage: About one cup of grape juice can be consumed daily.
12. Broccoli Juice
Broccoli also helps retain facial shine. According to NCBI research, broccoli contains Lutein, a carotene molecule. This Lutein helps preserve skin tone. Another research believes that Lutein can help in maintaining the health of the skin as well as improving its glow.
Quantity: One to two glasses of broccoli juice is recommended. However, there is no proof. Before drinking broccoli juice, one should talk to a nutritionist or doctor about how much to drink.
13. Ginger Juice
Ginger also brightens skin. NCBI study shows that ginger can help with sunburn and edema (when fluid builds up in the body and causes swelling).
Apart from this, ginger can also reduce oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is thought to be the cause of the signs of aging that you can see on your face.
Quantity: In general, it is recommended to drink one cup of ginger juice, but first, you should talk to your doctor.
14. Aloe Vera Juice
Aloe vera juice is good for the face in a lot of ways. Aloe vera has several nutrients. In addition to preventing dryness, its anti-aging properties can delay the appearance of wrinkles.
Aloe Vera also protects the face from the sun’s harmful rays. Aloe Vera also has qualities that make it anti-inflammatory (reduces inflammation), wound healing, and antiseptic (fights infection). All of these things can keep the face glowing.
Dosage: Most people can safely drink one cup of aloe vera juice per day.
15. Kale Juice
The face can also benefit from eating kale. There are a lot of vitamins, pigments (like beta-carotene), and polyphenols in kale. Research shows that kale can make the skin more flexible. Not only that, but it can also help keep the skin from getting older faster than it should.
Quantity: Generally, it is recommended to drink one to two cups of kale juice. At present, there is no definitive evidence available for the consumption of kale juice. Therefore, it would be better to consult a dietician or doctor before using it.
16. Parsley Juice
The juice of parsley, which tastes good, can also be very good for your skin. According to studies on the NCBI website, it can help protect cells from free radicals because it has antioxidant properties.
Aside from that, parsley has anti-inflammatory and antifungal qualities that can help keep the skin from getting inflamed or infected. At the same time, this study shows that parsley seeds can be used to treat psoriasis, a skin condition that causes scabs and red rashes.
Quantity: Most people are told to drink about a cup of parsley juice to make their faces shine.
17. Grapefruit Juice
Grapefruit also has many benefits for the skin. Research has shown that grapefruit juice has a cleansing effect that can help keep the skin from getting sick. At the same time, another study says that orange has a lot of Vitamin C.
Vitamin C can also protect the face from UV rays that are bad for it. It can also help keep the skin from getting older faster than it should.
Quantity: Consumption of 250 ml grapefruit juice can be considered safe.
18. Banana Juice
The contribution of bananas in maintaining facial beauty can also be considered important. In fact, bananas are thought to have a lot of Vitamin C.
Let us tell you that Vitamin C can help reduce the number of wrinkles on your face. Not only that, but Vitamin C can also protect the face from the harmful sun rays.
Dosage: The juice obtained by mashing two bananas into a glass of milk is safe for everyday consumption.
19. Pineapple Juice
Pineapple juice is considered beneficial under the best fruit juice for the skin. Research that was posted on the NCBI website says that pineapple has some sulfur molecules, which can stop food from turning brown. These qualities can help make the skin look better.
Dosage: Generally, one glass of pineapple juice can be consumed daily.
20. Mint juice
Vitamin A and C are found in mint. We’ve already talked about how Vitamin C can be good for your face. At the same time, Vitamin A has anti-aging properties that can help lessen the signs of aging on the face. That is why tasty mint juice can be thought of as a way to make the face shine more.
Dosage: One teaspoon of mint juice mixed in a glass of lukewarm water can be consumed daily.
21. Sweet Lime Juice
Sweet lime juice, or Mausambi juice, can also be good for the skin. In fact, it’s an excellent source of vitamin C. As we said at the beginning of this piece, vitamins can help the skin in a lot of ways. It can keep the skin from getting old too quickly and make it look better.
Apart from this, mosambi juice can also be used by applying it to the skin. In studies about this, it has been said that it can help get rid of dark spots and pigmentation.
Dosage: Generally, one glass of sweet lime juice can be used daily.
Most of the juice quantities mentioned in the article are based on typical intake amounts. So, the dosage may be different for each person, based on their age and physical condition. In this case, anyone who wants to drink juice daily should talk to a doctor about it at least once.
Read More: 5 Benefits Of Cranberry Juice For Males
Read More: Best Natural Laxative Juices For Constipation
Points To Remember While Drinking Juices For Skin Glow
You already know how beneficial fruit juices are for glowing skin. Come now, Let us tell you what you should think about before drinking juice-
Always drink juice made from freshly cut fruit.
Don’t add sugar or anything else sweet to juice.
Avoid consuming packaged juices.
Don’t drink juice that’s been sitting around for a long time.
You must have known that juices can help your face look good. This piece has everything you need to know about the best fruit juice for your skin.
It is also explained here why juices are beneficial in bringing glow to the face. So what are you waiting for? Include the mentioned juices in your diet plan from today itself and make your skin glowing and soft.
Everyone wants to look attractive, especially if we talk about girls or women. They are more concerned about their looks. In this article, I have shared with you a list of juices that you can try for a natural skin glow that will help you achieve your goal of a beautiful face.
But remember to consume freshly prepared juice instead of packed one. It will be a good option to make your juice at home as it will be of your own choice.
Which juice is best for skin glow – FAQs
Which juice is better, prepared with a single ingredient or prepared with a mixture of multiple ingredients?
Generally, all fruits and vegetables have their taste. At the same time, some vegetables or fruits lack taste, like broccoli, kale, and parsley. To enhance the taste of such vegetables or fruits, a mixture of other ingredients is used with them. In this case, neither one can be called better than the other.
Does juice make skin glow?
Yes, juice helps in making skin glow as it removes toxins from the body and gives your face a natural glow.
Can beetroot and carrot juice bring a glow to the face?
Yes, carrots and beetroot juice can bring a glow to the face. It has also been explained in detail in the above article.
Which time is best to drink juice?
Morning is considered the best time to drink the juice on an empty stomach. But make sure you drink only that juice which suits your body.